Price of a kitten L'Envol Sibérien


Brown - Blue - Neva Masquerade - Red - Tortie

  • Kitten with exceptional qualities, sold for company with obligation to sterilise, pedigree over 5 generations but not registered with the LOOF (the cat will not be able to reproduce). Between €1,600 and €2,100

  • We no longer sell kittens for breeding purposes
Brown Siberian Tabby Kitten
Neva Masquerade : Seal Tabby Point
Red Tabby Siberian Kitten
Tabby Blue Kitten

Silver - Sunshine - Golden -
Traditional & White with blue eyes

  • Kitten with exceptional qualities, sold for company with obligation to sterilise, pedigree over 5 generations but not registered with the LOOF (the cat will not be able to reproduce). Between €1800 and €2,500

  • We no longer sell kittens for breeding purposes
Silver Siberian kittens
Blue Golden Kitten
Traditional and White with blue eyes
Sunshine Kitten

Interested in adopting a Siberian kitten?

Come and see if we have any kittens available at the moment.