Traditional or neva masquerade? Tabby or solid? Silver or sunshine?
But what will my kitten look like as an adult?
How lucky we are to have a breed with so many different colour options! But sometimes it's hard to find your way around, and that's perfectly normal.
Here's a small, non-exhaustive list of the different colour variations of our kittens at Envol Sibérien.
Thank you to the "parents" for sending us these beautiful photos of their babies born at home 😊
Traditional Siberians can be tabby or solid.
The eyes can be green, gold or gold to green, and very rarely blue.
Tabbies are available in both neva and traditional styles, and they're my favourite with the eye contour make-up that gives them an incredible look!
Our Francis takes a break ❤️
Blue" is indeed grey! But it seems that mice are grey and cats are blue!
Blue can vary enormously from a steel grey to more beige colours.
The 'mackerel' corresponds to fairly fine, tightly-packed stripes, the true tiger coat in a way. On the long haired Siberians, the stripes are often quite shaded on the body and stand out well on the tail and legs. On the head, they create a pretty M shape and white make-up around the eyes and chin.
The superb Viennese L'Envol Sibérien, daughter of Josette and Francis.
She's blue tabby, like her daddy, but you can see that the shade of grey is very different.
The true original colour of Siberian.
This is the wild look par excellence.
As with blue, shades can range from the darkest brown to the lightest, almost orange.
Both neva and traditional varieties have solid colours.
Little Vuranie, 8 months old in the photo.
Unfortunately, black kittens are often the last to be adopted. It seems that old superstitions are still very much alive...
It's a gorgeous colour that I really like, though, as it brings out the colour of the eyes and looks great on our Siberians.
Neva Masquerade always has blue eyes.
This is the CP gene: "Colour Point", whose colouring depends on temperature. Kittens are therefore born all white because they were warm in their mother's womb. As they grow, the colder areas, and therefore the extremities, become coloured. It's incredible to see the kittens take on a little colour every day! As adults, nevas have light bodies (white, light grey or beige) and darker heads, legs and tails, depending on their initial colour.
Come and see if we have any kittens available at the moment.